
2Sm / 2Sam 24:25 And David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So the Lord was intreated for the land, and the plague was stayed from Israel. Ary Davida nanao alitara teo ho an' i Jehovah ka nanatitra fanatitra dorana sy fanati-pihavanana. Ka dia neken' i Jehovah ny fifonana natao ho an' ny tany, ka nitsahatra tsy namely ny Isiraely intsony ilay areti-mandringana. Ary nanorina otely teo Davida ho an' ny Tompo ary nanatitra sorona dorana sy sorom-pihavanana. Dia nionona ny hatezeran' ny Tompo tamin' ny tany, ka nitsahatra ny areti-mandringana namely an' Israely. David construisit là un autel à Yahvé et il offrit des holocaustes et des sacrifices de communion. Alors Yahvé eut pitié du pays et le fléau s'écarta d' Israël.