
Asa 12:7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. Ary, indro, nisy anjelin' ny Tompo tonga teo, sady nisy mazava namirapiratra tao an-trano; ary izy nanohina ny tehezan' i Petera, dia namoha azy ka nanao hoe: Mitsangàna faingana. Dia niala tamin' ny tànany ny gadra. dia indro nisy anjelin' ny Tompo sy fahazavana namirapiratra tonga tampoka tao an-tranomaizina; nanohina ny lanivoan' i Piera ilay anjely, namoha azy nanao hoe: Mitsangàna faingana; dia niala tamin' ny tànany ny rojo vy. Soudain, l' ange du Seigneur survint, et le cachot fut inondé de lumière. L' ange frappa Pierre au côté et le fit lever : " Debout ! Vite ! " dit-il. Et les chaînes lui tombèrent des mains.