Entry banga
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Afa-nify, afaka: Lahiantitra banga / Ny eo anoloana no banga ny nifindRamatoa io ka maharatsy azy aoka izany
Nahafahana, simaka, rombina: Misy banga itỳ tamboho itỳ ka tokony hamboarina. / Tsy misy banga hofenoina ny voalazanao na madilana hotentenana
Nisy niala ka tsy ampy: Tsy manaiky aho raha misy banga ny volako, na ariary aza [1.1]
Explanations in English Having gaps, as hedges, etc.;
Having lost teeth, as a person, or a saw, etc.;
Wanting some to make up the required or stipulated number. [1.2]
 Gap; having gaps [1.7]
Explanations in French Brèche où il manque une dent [1.8]
Examples Ho banga anao ny fiainako, ô famoizana mahantra! [1.274]
Compound words 

Updated on 2023/10/24