Entry firaketana (rakitra)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fitahirizana [1.1]
 Boky rakibolana malagasy [1.13]
Explanations in English A treasury [1.2]
 The act of collecting; a collection [1.7]
Explanations in French Action de collectionner, de réunir; collection [1.8]
Encyclopédie malgache
firaketan'i Gaunin: table de Gaunin
firaketan'i Pons: table de Pons
kahie firaketana: cahier d'enregistrement [1.13]
1Mba ho firaketana fotsiny ihany, tompoko. [2.245]
2Izy no mitazona ny firaketana an-tsoratra. [1.320]
3Izany hoe: antso avo firaketana, ny vato natsangana ka ny antsika aminy. [2.245]
Compound words 
Titles Firaketana ny fiteny sy ny zavatra malagasy

Updated on 2023/06/12