Entry helohina (heloka)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Sazina araka ny didim-pitsarana: Nohelohina natao sesi-tany roapolo taona izy [1.1]
Explanations in English To be condemned, to be brought in guilty. [1.2]
 To be condemned [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on condamne [1.3, 1.8]
Examples Nohelohin-ko faty izy (il a été condamné à mort) [1.3]
Present : helohina, helohiko, helohinao, helohiny, helohintsika, helohinay, helohinareo, helohin', helohin-, helohim-, helohi-
Past : nohelohina, nohelohiko, nohelohinao, nohelohiny, nohelohintsika, nohelohinay, nohelohinareo, nohelohin', nohelohin-, nohelohim-, nohelohi-
Future : hohelohina, hohelohiko, hohelohinao, hohelohiny, hohelohintsika, hohelohinay, hohelohinareo, hohelohin', hohelohin-, hohelohim-, hohelohi-
Imperative : helohy

Updated on 2023/02/23