Entry petrahana (petraka)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Enti-milaza izay asiana, ametrahana zavatra: Nopetrahan' i Bozy ilay siny mitete ny tsihy ka lena [1.1]
Explanations in English Used of that on which anything is placed. [1.2]
 To have something set or placed on it [1.7]
Explanations in French Sur quoi on met ou place quelque chose [1.8]
Present : petrahana, petrahako, petrahanao, petrahany, petrahantsika, petrahanay, petrahanareo, petrahan', petrahan-, petraham-, petraha-
Past : nopetrahana, nopetrahako, nopetrahanao, nopetrahany, nopetrahantsika, nopetrahanay, nopetrahanareo, nopetrahan', nopetrahan-, nopetraham-, nopetraha-
Future : hopetrahana, hopetrahako, hopetrahanao, hopetrahany, hopetrahantsika, hopetrahanay, hopetrahanareo, hopetrahan', hopetrahan-, hopetraham-, hopetraha-
Imperative : petraho

Updated on 2023/01/20