Entry tahina (tahy)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Ambinina, hasoavina: Hotahin' Andriamanitra anie ianareo [1.1]
Explanations in English To be blessed, to be benefited [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on bénit, qu'on aide [1.8]
Present : tahina, tahiko, tahinao, tahiny, tahintsika, tahinay, tahinareo, tahin', tahin-, tahim-, tahi-
Past : notahina, notahiko, notahinao, notahiny, notahintsika, notahinay, notahinareo, notahin', notahin-, notahim-, notahi-
Future : hotahina, hotahiko, hotahinao, hotahiny, hotahintsika, hotahinay, hotahinareo, hotahin', hotahin-, hotahim-, hotahi-
Imperative : tahio
Compound words 


Updated on 2023/09/14