Entry torotoroina (torotoro (toro))
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Vakina atao potipotika, montsanina: Notorotoroiny tamin' ny vato ny siniko [1.1]
Explanations in English To be crushed to pieces [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on écrase [1.8]
Present : torotoroina, torotoroiko, torotoroinao, torotoroiny, torotorointsika, torotoroinay, torotoroinareo, torotoroin', torotoroin-, torotoroim-, torotoroi-
Past : notorotoroina, notorotoroiko, notorotoroinao, notorotoroiny, notorotorointsika, notorotoroinay, notorotoroinareo, notorotoroin', notorotoroin-, notorotoroim-, notorotoroi-
Future : hotorotoroina, hotorotoroiko, hotorotoroinao, hotorotoroiny, hotorotorointsika, hotorotoroinay, hotorotoroinareo, hotorotoroin', hotorotoroin-, hotorotoroim-, hotorotoroi-
Imperative : torotoroy


Updated on 2023/01/20