

Sal 22:1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? Ho an' ny mpiventy hira. Alaieleth-hasahara. Salamo nataon' i Davida. Andriamanitra ô, Andriamanitro ô, nahoana no dia mahafoy ahy Hianao? Lavitra ny famonjena ahy ny tenin' ny fitarainako. Ho an' ny mpampianatra hira. Momba ny Serfavanin' ny mazava atsinanana. Salamon' i Davida. Du maître de chant. Sur "la biche de l' aurore." Psaume. De David.
Sal 22:2 O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. Andriamanitro ô, miantso aho nony andro, nefa tsy mamaly Hianao; ary nony alina, nefa tsy mahita fiononana aho. Andriamanitra ô, Andriamanitra ô, nahoana no nilaozanao aho? Mitaraina aho, nefa mijanona lavitra ahy ny famonjena! Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m' as-tu abandonné? Loin de me sauver, les paroles que je rugis!
Sal 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Kanefa masina Hianao, Ry mipetraka eo ambonin' ny fideran' ny Isiraely. Andriamanitra ô, miantso aho, ritry ny andro, nefa tsy mamaly ahy hianao; ary nony alina, nefa tsy mahita fiononana aho. Mon Dieu, le jour j' appelle et tu ne réponds pas, la nuit, point de silence pour moi.
Sal 22:4 Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. Hianao no nitokian' ny razanay; Natoky izy, ka namonjy azy Hianao. Kanefa masina hianao, ary mipetraka eo amin' ny hiran' Israely. Et toi, le Saint, qui habites les louanges d' Israël!
Sal 22:5 They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. Hianao no nitarainany, ka afaka izy; Hianao no nitokiany, ka tsy menatra izy. Hianao no nitokian' ny razanay; natoky izy ka nanafaka azy hianao; en toi nos pères avaient confiance, confiance, et tu les délivrais,
Sal 22:6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. Ary izaho dia olitra, fa tsy olona, fandatsan' olona sy fanevatevam-bahoaka. niantso anao izy ka voavonjinao; natoky anao izy ka tsy azon-kenatra. vers toi ils criaient, et ils échappaient, en toi leur confiance, et ils n' avaient pas honte.
Sal 22:7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, Izay rehetra mahita ahy dia manaraby ahy; manondro molotra izy sady mihifikifi-doha ka manao hoe: Ary izaho, dia olitra aho fa tsy olona; fandatsan' ny olona, faikam-bahoaka. Et moi, ver et non pas homme, risée des gens, mépris du peuple,
Sal 22:8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. Ankino amin' i Jehovah, dia aoka Izy hamonjy azy; eny, aoka Izy hanafaka azy, raha mankasitraka azy Izy. Izay rehetra mahita ahy, manaraby ahy avokoa; misoka-molotra izy ary mihifikifi-doha: tous ceux qui me voient me bafouent, leur bouche ricane, ils hochent la tête
Sal 22:9 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother' s breasts. Fa Hianao no nampivoaka ahy avy tao an-kibo; nampandry ahy fahizay ianao, fony aho mbola nampinonoin' ny reniko; Aoka izy hanankina ny tenany amin' ny Tompo. Aoka hovonjeny izy. Aoka hafahany izy fa tiany. "Il s' est remis à Yahvé, qu' il le délivre! qu' il le libère, puisqu' il est son ami!"
Sal 22:10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother' s belly. Nankinina taminao hatrany am-bohoka aho; hatrany an-kibon-dreniko dia Andriamanitro Hianao. Eny hianao no nampivoaka ahy avy ao ambohoka; hianao no nampahatoky ahy fony aho mbola nampinonoin' i neny. C' est toi qui m' as tiré du ventre, ma confiance près des mamelles de ma mère;
Sal 22:11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. Aza manalavitra ahy Hianao, fa akaiky ny fahoriana, sady tsy misy mpamonjy. Hatramin' ny fony aho vao teraka no efa nankinina taminao; hatrany an-kibon-dreniko dia hianao no efa Andriamanitro. sur toi je fus jeté au sortir des entrailles; dès le ventre de ma mère, mon Dieu c' est toi.
Sal 22:12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. Mitangorona amiko ireo ombilahy be, ny maherin' i Basana manemitra ahy. Aza manalavitra ahy hianao fa akaiky ny fahoriana, satria tsy misy olona tonga hamonjy ahy. Ne sois pas loin : proche est l' angoisse, point de secours!
Sal 22:13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. Misanasana vava amiko izy; eny, liona mamiravira sy mierona izy. Itangoronan' ombalahy maro aho; temeran' ny maherin' i Basàna aho. Des taureaux nombreux me cernent, de fortes bêtes de Bashân m' encerclent;
Sal 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. Efa rano aidina aho, ka mivaha ny taolako rehetra; tahaka ny savoka ny foko: miempo ato anatiko izy. Asanasanany amiko ny vavany; mova izy tsy ny liona mamiravira sy mierona iny. contre moi bâille leur gueule, lions lacérant et rugissant.
Sal 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. Maina tahaka ny tavim-bilany ny heriko, ary ny lelako miraikitra amin' ny lanilaniko; ao amin' ny vovoky ny fahafatesana no ametrahanao ahy. Koa tahaka ny rano mandeha ihany aho; ary mivaha ny taolako rehetra; tahaka ny savoka ny foko, miempo ato an-kiboko. Comme l' eau je m'écoule et tous mes os se disloquent; mon coeur est pareil à la cire, il fond au milieu de mes viscères;
Sal 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Fa mitangorona amiko ny amboa, ny fiangonan' ny ratsy fanahy manemitra ahy. Manindrona ny tongotro aman-tanako izy Maina tahaka ny tavim-bilany tany ny heriko, ary miraikitra amin' ny lanilaniko ny lelako; mampandry ahy ao amin' ny vovoky ny fahafatesana hianao. mon palais est sec comme un tesson, et ma langue collée à ma mâchoire. Tu me couches dans la poussière de la mort.
Sal 22:17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. Mahisa ny taolako rehetra aho ireo dia mibanjina sady mangarika ahy. Fa amboa no mitangorona amiko; andian' olon-dratsy no mihenjy manodidina ahy; nandoaka ny tongotro aman-tànako izy; Des chiens nombreux me cernent, une bande de vauriens m' entoure; comme pour déchiqueter mes mains et mes pieds.
Sal 22:18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. Mizara ny fitafiako ho azy izy; ary ny akanjoko ilokàny. mahisa ny taolako rehetra aho. Ireo kosa mandinika ahy sy mibanjina ahy; Je peux compter tous mes os, les gens me voient, ils me regardent;
Sal 22:19 But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Fa Hianao, Jehovah ô, aza manalavitra; ry Heriko ô, faingana hamonjy ahy. zarain' izy ireo ny fitafiako, ary ilokany ny akanjoko. ils partagent entre eux mes habits et tirent au sort mon vêtement.
Sal 22:20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. Vonjeo amin' ny sabatra ny fanahiko, dia ny hany malalako amin' ny herin' ny amboa. Fa hianao kosa, Iaveh ô, aza manalavitra ahy! Hianao heriko, faingàna hamonjy ahy! Mais toi, Yahvé, ne sois pas loin, ô ma force, vite à mon aide;
Sal 22:21 Save me from the lion' s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. Vonjeo amin' ny vavan' ny liona aho; ary valio ho afaka amin' ny tandroky ny ombimanga. Afaho amin' ny sabatra ny fanahiko, ary ny aiko amin' ny fahefan' ny amboa! délivre de l'épée mon âme, de la patte du chien, mon unique;
Sal 22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Hitory ny anaranao amin' ny rahalahiko aho; eo amin' ny fiangonana no hideràko Anao. Vonjeo amin' ny vavan' ny liona aho; esory amin' ny tandroky ny ombimanga aho: sauve-moi de la gueule du lion, de la corne du taureau, ma pauvre âme.
Sal 22:23 Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. Hianareo izay matahotra an' i Jehovah, miderà Azy; ry taranak' i Jakoba rehetra, manomeza voninahitra Azy; ary matahora Azy, ry Zanak' Isiraely rehetra. Dia hitory ny anaranao amin' ny rahalahiko aho; hidera anao eo amin' ny fiangonana aho: J' annoncerai ton nom à mes frères, en pleine assemblée je te louerai
Sal 22:24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. Fa tsy manao tsinontsinona na marikorikon' ny fahorian' ny ory Izy, ary tsy mba manafina ny tavany aminy; fa raha mitaraina aminy ireny, dia mihaino Izy. Miderà an' ny Tompo hianareo izay matahotra azy! manomeza voninahitra azy hianareo rehetra taranak' i Jakoba, manajà azy hianareo rehetra taranak' Israely! "Vous qui craignez Yahvé, louez-le, toute la race de Jacob, glorifiez-le, redoutez-le, toute la race d' Israël."
Sal 22:25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him. Avy aminao no ahazoako manao fiderana eo amin' ny fiangonan-dehibe; ny voadiko dia hefaiko eo anatrehan' izay matahotra an' i Jehovah. Fa tsy nataony tsinontsinona na niambohoany ny fijalian' ny ory, tsy nanafina ny tavany eo anatrehany izy; ary nihaino izy, nony nitaraina taminy ny ory. Car il n' a point méprisé, ni dédaigné la pauvreté du pauvre, ni caché de lui sa face, mais, invoqué par lui, il écouta.
Sal 22:26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. Hihinana ny mpandefitra ka ho voky; hidera an' i Jehovah izay mitady azy; ho velona mandrakizay anie ny fonareo. Noho hianao dia hanako eo amin' ny fiangonan-dehibe ny hirako; hefaiko eo anatrehan' izay matahotra anao ny voadiko. De toi vient ma louange dans la grande assemblée, j' accomplirai mes voeux devant ceux qui le craignent.
Sal 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. Hahatsiaro ka hiverina ho amin' i Jehovah ny faran' ny tany rehetra; ary hiankohoka eo anatrehanao ny fokon' ny firenen-tsamy hafa. Hihinana ny tra-pahoriana ka ho voky; hidera an' ny Tompo izay mitady azy. Ho velona indray mandrakizay anie ny fonareo! Les pauvres mangeront et seront rassasiés. Ils loueront Yahvé, ceux qui le cherchent "que vive votre coeur à jamais!"
Sal 22:28 For the kingdom is the Lord' s: and he is the governor among the nations. Fa an' i Jehovah ny fanjakana; ary manapaka amin' ny firenen-tsamy hafa Izy. Ny faravazan-tany rehetra hahatsiaro sy hitodika an' ny Tompo, ary ny fokom-pirenena rehetra hiankohoka eo anatrehan' ny tavanao. Tous les lointains de la terre se souviendront et reviendront vers Yahvé; toutes les familles des nations se prosterneront devant lui.
Sal 22:29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. Hihinana sy hiankohoka ny mpanefoefo rehetra ambonin' ny tany, eo anatrehany no hiondrehan' izay rehetra efa hidina any amin' ny vovoka ka tsy mahavelona ny ainy. Fa an' ny Tompo ny fanjakana; izy no manapaka amin' ny firenena. A Yahvé la royauté, au maître des nations!
Sal 22:30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. Hisy taranaka hanompo Azy; ary ny Tompo dia holazaina amin' ny taranaka ho avy. Ny manam-pahefana eto ambonin' ny tany hihinana sy hiankohoka, izay rehetra midina ho any amin' ny vovoka, hiondrika eo anoloany; dia ireo tsy mahay manalava ny andro iainany. Oui, devant lui seul se prosterneront tous les puissants de la terre, devant lui se courberont tous ceux qui descendent à la poussière et pour celui qui ne vit plus,
Sal 22:31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. Hisy ho avy ka hanambara ny fahamarinany, amin' ny olona izay mbola hateraka, fa Izy no nanao izany. Hanompo azy ny taranaka; holazaina amin' ny taranaka ho avy ny Tompo. sa lignée le servira, elle annoncera le Seigneur aux âges
Sal 22:32 Ho avy izy ireo ka hitory ny fahamarinany; hambaran' izy ireo amin' ny vahoaka mbola ho teraka ny nataony. à venir, elle racontera aux peuples à naître sa justice il l' a faite!
