

Lio / Lk 3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene, Ary tamin' ny taona fahadimy ambin' ny folo nanjakan' i Tiberia Kaisara, fony Pontio Pilato no governora tany Jodia, ary Heroda no mpanapaka tany Galilia, ary Filipo rahalahiny no mpanapaka ny tany Itoria sy Trakonitisy, ary Lysania no mpanapaka tany Abilena, Tamin' ny taona fahadimy ambin' ny folon' ny nanjakan' i Tibera Sezara, fony Pontsy Pilaty no governora tany Jodea, Heroda no tetrarka tany Galilea, Filipo rahalahiny no tetrarka tany Abilena, L' an quinze du principat de Tibère César, Ponce Pilate étant gouverneur de Judée, Hérode tétrarque de Galilée, Philippe son frère tétrarque du pays d' Iturée et de Trachonitide, Lysanias tétrarque d' Abilène,
Lio / Lk 3:2 Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. ary Anasy sy Kaiafa no mpisoronabe,- dia tonga tamin' i Jaona, zanak' i Zakaria, tany an-efitra ny tenin' Andriamanitra. ary Ana sy Kaifa no lehiben' ny mpisorona, dia tonga tamin' i Joany zanak' i Zakaria tany an' efitra ny tenin' Andriamanitra. sous le pontificat d' Anne et Caïphe, la parole de Dieu fut adressée à Jean, fils de Zacharie, dans le désert.
Lio / Lk 3:3 And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; Ary nankany amin' ny tany rehetra any amoron' i Jordana izy nitory ny batisan' ny fibebahana ho famelan-keloka; Dia nankany amin' ny tany rehetra amoron' i Jordany izy, nitory batemim-pibebahana ho famelan-keloka, Et il vint dans toute la région du Jourdain, proclamant un baptême de repentir pour la rémission des péchés,
Lio / Lk 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. araka ny voasoratra ao amin' ny bokin' ny tenin' Isaia mpaminany hoe: Injany! misy feon' ny miantso mafy any an-efitra hoe: Amboary ny lalan' i Jehovah, Ataovy mahitsy ny lalan-kalehany. araka ny voasoratra ao amin' ny bokin' ny tenin' Izaia mpaminany hoe: Re ny feon' ilay miantso any an' efitra hoe: Amboary ny làlan' ny Tompo, ahitsio ny halehany; comme il est écrit au livre des paroles d' Isaïe le prophète : Voix de celui qui crie dans le désert : Préparez le chemin du Seigneur, rendez droits ses sentiers ;
Lio / Lk 3:5 Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; Ny lohasaha rehetra hototofana, Ary ny tendrombohitra sy ny havoana rehetra haetry, Ary ny meloka hahitsy, Ary ny lalana mikitoantoana hohamarinina; ny lohasaha rehetra hototofana, ny tendrombohitra sy ny havoana rehetra haetry, ny melomeloka hahitsy, ary ny làlana mikitoantoana hohamarinina, tout ravin sera comblé, et toute montagne ou colline sera abaissée ; les passages tortueux deviendront droits et les chemins raboteux seront nivelés.
Lio / Lk 3:6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Ary ny nofo rehetra hahita ny famonjen' Andriamanitra (Isa. 40:3-5). dia hahita ny famonjen' Andriamanitra ny nofo rehetra. Et toute chair verra le salut de Dieu.
Lio / Lk 3:7 Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Dia hoy izy tamin' ny vahoaka izay nankeo aminy mba hataony batisa: Ry taranaky ny menarana, iza no nanoro hevitra anareo handositra ny fahatezerana ho avy? Ary hoy izy tamin' ireo vahoaka be nidodododo hataony batemy: Ry taranaky ny menarana, iza no nanoro hevitra anareo handositra ny hatezerana ho avy? Il disait donc aux foules qui s' en venaient se faire baptiser par lui : " Engeance de vipères, qui vous a suggéré d'échapper à la Colère prochaine ?
Lio / Lk 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. Koa mamoaza voa miendrika ny fibebahana; ary aza manao anakampo hoe: Manana an' i Abrahama ho rainay izahay; fa lazaiko aminareo fa Andriamanitra mahay manangana zanaka ho an' i Abrahama avy amin' ireto vato ireto. Manaova asa mendrika vokatry ny fibebahana, ary aza manao anakampo hoe: Abrahama no rainay; fa lazaiko marina aminareo fa azon' Andriamanitra atao ny manangana zanaka ho an' i Abrahama na dia amin' ireto vato ireto aza. Produisez donc des fruits dignes du repentir, et n' allez pas dire en vous-mêmes : "Nous avons pour père Abraham. " Car je vous dis que Dieu peut, des pierres que voici, faire surgir des enfants à Abraham.
Lio / Lk 3:9 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Ary, indro, efa mipetraka ao amin' ny fototry ny hazo sahady ny famaky; koa ny hazo rehetra izay tsy mamoa voa tsara dia hokapohina ka hatsipy any anaty afo. Efa mby eo am-poto-kazo sahady ny famaky; koa ny hazo rehetra izay tsy mamoa voa tsara dia hokapaina ka hatsipy any anaty afo. Déjà même la cognée se trouve à la racine des arbres ; tout arbre donc qui ne produit pas de bon fruit va être coupé et jeté au feu. "
Lio / Lk 3:10 And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then? Ary ny vahoaka nanontany an' i Jaona hoe: inona ary no hataonay? Ary hoy ny vahoaka nanontany azy: Inona àry no hataonay? Et les foules l' interrogeaient, en disant : " Que nous faut-il donc faire ? "
Lio / Lk 3:11 He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Ary namaly izy ka nanao taminy hoe: Izay manana akanjo roa dia aoka hanome ho an' ny tsy manana; ary izay manan-kanina, dia aoka hanao toy izany koa izy. Dia namaly izy ka nanao hoe: Izay manana akanjo roa dia aoka hanome ny tsy manana; ary izay manan-kanina dia aoka hanao toy izany koa. Il leur répondait : " Que celui qui a deux tuniques partage avec celui qui n' en a pas, et que celui qui a de quoi manger fasse de même. "
Lio / Lk 3:12 Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do? Dia avy koa ny mpamory hetra sasany mba hataony batisa ka nanao taminy hoe: Mpampianatra ô, inona no hataonay? Ary nisy poblikàna nanatona hataony batemy koa, ka nanao taminy hoe: Inona no hataonay, ry mpampianatra ô? Des publicains aussi vinrent se faire baptiser et lui dirent : " Maître, que nous faut-il faire ? "
Lio / Lk 3:13 And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you. Ary hoy izy taminy: Aza mampandoa mihoatra noho izay notendrena halainareo. Dia hoy izy taminy: Aza mampandoa mihoatra noho izay nasaina halainareo. Il leur dit : " N' exigez rien au-delà de ce qui vous est prescrit. "
Lio / Lk 3:14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages. Ary nisy miaramila koa nanontany azy ka nanao hoe: Ary inona kosa no mba hataonay? Dia hoy izy taminy: Aza mitohatoha foana amin' olona, ary aza miampanga lainga, ary mianina amin' ny karamanareo. Ary nisy miaramila koa nanontany azy hoe: Ary izahay kosa, inona no mba tokony hataonay? Dia hoy ny navaliny azy: Fadio ny fanaovana an-keriny sy ny fitorohana, ary mahaiza mianina amin' izay karamanareo. Des soldats aussi l' interrogeaient, en disant : " Et nous, que nous faut-il faire ? " Il leur dit : " Ne molestez personne, n' extorquez rien, et contentez-vous de votre solde. "
Lio / Lk 3:15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; Fa raha mbola niandry ny olona, ka samy nisaina an' i Jaona tam-pony, na izy no Kristy, na tsia, Ary raha mbola niandry ny olona, sy samy nisaina tao am-pony fa Joany angaha no Kristy, Comme le peuple était dans l' attente et que tous se demandaient en leur coeur, au sujet de Jean, s' il n'était pas le Christ,
Lio / Lk 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: dia namaly Jaona ka nanao tamin' izy rehetra hoe: Izaho manao batisa anareo amin' ny rano, fa avy Izay mahery noho izaho, ka tsy miendrika hamaha ny fehin-kapany aza aho; Izy no hanao batisa anareo amin' ny Fanahy Masina sy ny afo; dia niteny Joany ka nanao tamin' izy rehetra hoe: Izaho manao batemy anareo amin' ny rano, fa avy ilay mahery noho izaho, ary tsy mendrika hamaha ny fehin-kapany akory aho: izy no hanao batemy anareo amin' ny Fanahy Masina sy ny afo; Jean prit la parole et leur dit à tous : " Pour moi, je vous baptise avec de l' eau, mais vient le plus fort que moi, et je ne suis pas digne de délier la courroie de ses sandales ; lui vous baptisera dans l' Esprit Saint et le feu.
Lio / Lk 3:17 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable. eny an-tànany ny fikororohany hanadiovany tsara ny no am-pamoloany ka hanangonany ny vary ho any amin' ny sompiny; fa ny akofa sy ny mololo hodorany amin' ny afo tsy azo vonoina. eny an-tànany ny fikororohany ary hodioviny ny famoloany, ka ny vary hangoniny ao an-tsompitra, fa ny mololo kosa hodorany any amin' ny afo tsy mety maty. Il tient en sa main la pelle à vanner pour nettoyer son aire et recueillir le blé dans son grenier ; quant aux bales, il les consumera au feu qui ne s'éteint pas. "
Lio / Lk 3:18 And many other things in his exhortation preached he unto the people. Ary fananarana maro hafa koa no notoriny tamin' ny olona. Fananarana maro hafa koa no nentiny nitory ny Evanjely tamin' ny olona; Et par bien d' autres exhortations encore il annonçait au peuple la Bonne Nouvelle.
Lio / Lk 3:19 But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philip' s wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done, Fa Heroda mpanapaka, nony nanarin' i Jaona noho ny amin' i Herodiasy, vadin-drahalahiny, sy noho ny ratsy rehetra izay nataony, fa Heroda tetrarka, izay nanariny noho ny amin' i Herodiada vadin-drahalahiny sy noho ny ratsy rehetra nataony, Cependant Hérode le tétrarque, qu' il reprenait au sujet d' Hérodiade, la femme de son frère, et pour tous les méfaits qu' il avait commis,
Lio / Lk 3:20 Added yet this above all, that he shut up John in prison. dia nanidy an' i Jaona tao an-tranomaizina ho fanampin' izany rehetra izany koa. dia nanampy heloka indray ka nanidy an' i Joany tao an-tranomaizina. ajouta encore celui-ci à tous les autres : il fit enfermer Jean en prison.
Lio / Lk 3:21 Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, Ary rehefa natao batisa ny vahoaka rehetra, ary Jesosy koa efa natao batisa sy nivavaka, dia nisokatra ny lanitra; Tamin' ilay natao batemy iny ny vahoaka rehetra dia natao batemy koa Jeso, ka raha mbola nivavaka izy dia nisokatra ny lanitra; Or il advint, une fois que tout le peuple eut été baptisé et au moment où Jésus, baptisé lui aussi, se trouvait en prière, que le ciel s' ouvrit,
Lio / Lk 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. ary ny Fanahy Masina nidina teo amboniny, ka ny endriny dia tahaka ny voromailala; ary nisy feo avy tany an-danitra nanao hoe: Hianao no Zanako malalako; Hianao no sitrako. ary nidina teo amboniny ny Fanahy Masina naka endri-batana toy ny an' ny voromailala, dia nisy feo re avy any an-danitra nanao hoe: Hianao no Zanako malalako, hianao no ankasitrahako indrindra. et l' Esprit Saint descendit sur lui sous une forme corporelle, comme une colombe. Et une voix partit du ciel : " Tu es mon fils ; moi, aujourd' hui, je t' ai engendré. "
Lio / Lk 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, Ary tokony ho efa telo-polo taona Jesosy, raha vao nanomboka ny raharahany, ka natao ho zanak' i Josefa, izay zanak' i Hely, Tokony ho telopolo taona Jeso tamin' izy nanomboka nitory ny Evanjely, dia nataon' ny olona ho zanak' i Josefa izay zanak' i Helý, zanak' i Matata, Et Jésus, lors de ses débuts, avait environ trente ans, et il était, à ce qu' on croyait, fils de Joseph, fils d' Héli,
Lio / Lk 3:24 Which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Melchi, which was the son of zanak' i Matata, zanak' i Levy, zanak' i Melky, zanak' i Janay, zanak' i <2023>Josefa zanak' i Levì, zanak' i Melkì, sanak' i Janè, zanak' i <2023>Josefa fils de Matthat, fils de Lévi, fils de Melchi, fils de Jannaï, fils de <2023>Joseph,
Lio / Lk 3:25 Which was the son of Mattathias, which was the son of Amos, which was the son of Naum, which was the son of Esli, which was the son of Nagge, zanak' i Matitia, zanak' i Amosa, zanak' i Nahoma, zanak' i Esly, zanak' i Nagay, zanak' i Matatiasa, zanak' i Amosa, zanak' i Nahoma, zanak' i Heslý, zanak' i Nagè, fils de Mattathias, fils d' Amos, fils de Naoum, fils d' Esli, fils de Naggaï,
Lio / Lk 3:26 Which was the son of Maath, which was the son of Mattathias, which was the son of Semei, which was the son of zanak' i Mata, zanak' i Matatia, zanak' i Semey, zanak' i Joseka, zanak' i Joda, zanak' i Mahata, zanak' i Matatiasa, zanak' i Semeì, zanak' i Joseka, zanak' i Jodà, fils de Maath, fils de Mattathias, fils de Séméin, fils de Josech, fils de Joda,
Lio / Lk 3:27 Which was the son of Joanna, which was the son of Rhesa, which was the son of Zorobabel, which was the son of Salathiel, which was the son of Neri, zanak' i Joanana, zanak' i Resa, zanak' i Zerobabela, zanak' i Sealtiela, zanak' i Nery, zanak' i Joanàna, zanak' i Rezà, zanak' i Zorobabela, zanak' i Salatiela, zanak' i Nerì fils de Joanan, fils de Résa, fils de Zorobabel, fils de Salathiel, fils de Néri,
Lio / Lk 3:28 Which was the son of Melchi, which was the son of Addi, which was the son of Cosam, which was the son of Elmodam, which was the son of Er, zanak' i Melky, zanak' i Ady, zanak' i Kosama, zanak' i Elmadama, zanak' i Era, zanak' i Melkì, zanak' i Adì, zanak' i Kosama, zanak' i Elimadama, zanak' i Hera, fils de Melchi, fils d' Addi, fils de Kosam, fils d' Elmadam, fils d' Er,
Lio / Lk 3:29 Which was the son of Jose, which was the son of Eliezer, which was the son of Jorim, which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, zanak' i Jesosy, zanak' i Eliezera, zanak' i Joreima, zanak' i Matata, zanak' i Levy, zanak' i Jesosa, zanak' i Eliezera, zanak' i Jorima, zanak' i Matata, zanak' i Levì, fils de Jésus, fils d'Éliézer, fils de Jorim, fils de Matthat, fils de Lévi,
Lio / Lk 3:30 Which was the son of Simeon, which was the son of Juda, which was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Jonan, which was the son of Eliakim, zanak' i Simeona, zanak' i Joda, zanak' i Josefa, zanak' i Jonama, zanak' i Eliakima, zanak' i Simeona, zanak' i Jodà, zanak' i Josefa, zanak' i Jonàna, zanak' i Eliakima, fils de Syméon, fils de Juda, fils de Joseph, fils de Jonam, fils d'Éliakim,
Lio / Lk 3:31 Which was the son of Melea, which was the son of Menan, which was the son of Mattatha, which was the son of Nathan, which was the son of David, zanak' i Melea, zanak' i Mena, zanak' i Matata, zanak' i Natana, zanak' i Davida, zanak' i Meleà, zanak' i Menà, zanak' i Matatà, zanak' i Natàna, zanak' i Davida, fils de Méléa, fils de Menna, fils de Mattatha, fils de Nathan, fils de David,
Lio / Lk 3:32 Which was the son of Jesse, which was the son of Obed, which was the son of Booz, which was the son of Salmon, which was the son of Naasson, zanak' i Jese, zanak' i Obeda, zanak' i Boaza, zanak' i Salmona, zanak' i Nahasona, zanak' i Jesè, zanak' i Obeda, zanak' i Booza, zanak' i Salmona, zanak' i Naasona, fils de Jessé, fils de Jobed, fils de Booz, fils de Sala, fils de Naasson,
Lio / Lk 3:33 Which was the son of Aminadab, which was the son of Aram, which was the son of Esrom, which was the son of Phares, which was the son of Juda, zanak' i Aminadaba, zanak' i Arny, zanak' i Hezrona, zanak' i Fareza, zanak' i Joda, zanak' i Aminadaba, zanak' i Arama, zanak' i Esròna, zanak' i Faresa, zanak' i Jodà, fils d' Aminadab, fils d' Admin, fils d' Arni, fils de Hesron, fils de Pharès, fils de Juda,
Lio / Lk 3:34 Which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of Nachor, zanak' i Jakoba, zanak' isaka, zanak' i Abrahama, zanak' i Tera, zanak' i Nahora, zanak' i Jakoba, zanak' Isaaka, zanak' i Abrahama, zanak' i Tarè, zanak' i Nakora, fils de Jacob, fils d' Isaac, fils d' Abraham, fils de Thara, fils de Nachor,
Lio / Lk 3:35 Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala, zanak' i Seroga, zanak' i Reo, zanak' i Palega, zanak' i Ebera, zanak' i Sela, zanak' i Saroga, zanak' i Reo, zanak' i Falega, zanak' i Hebera, zanak' i Salè, fils de Sérouch, fils de Ragau, fils de Phalec, fils d'Éber, fils de Sala,
Lio / Lk 3:36 Which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of Sem, which was the son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech, zanak' i Kenana, zanak' i Arpaksada, zanak' i Sema, zanak' i Noa, zanak' i Lameka, zanak' i Kainàna, zanak' i Arfaksada, zanak' i Sema, zanak' i Noe, zanak' i Lameka, fils de Kaïnam, fils d' Arphaxad, fils de Sem, fils de Noé, fils de Lamech,
Lio / Lk 3:37 Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the son of Cainan, zanak' i Metosela, zanak' i Enoka, zanak' i Jareda, zanak' i Mahalalila, zanak' i Kenana, zanak' i Matosalè, zanak' i Enoka, zanak' i Jareda, zanak' i Malaleela, zanak' i Kainàna, fils de Mathousala, fils de Hénoch, fils de Iaret, fils de Maleléel, fils de Kaïnam,
Lio / Lk 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. zanak' i Enosa, zanak' i Seta, zanak' i Adama, zanak' Andriamanitra. zanak' i Enosa, zanak' i Seta, zanak' i Adama, zanak' Andriamanitra. fils d'Énos, fils de Seth, fils d' Adam, fils de Dieu.
