

Apo / Ap 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: Ary hitako fa, indro, nisy anjely mahery anankiray koa, nidina ary tany an-danitra sady nitafy rahona; ary ny avana dia teo amin' ny lohany, ary ny tavany dia tahaka ny masoandro, ary ny tongony tahaka ny andry afo, Dia nahita anjely mahery anankiray hafa koa aho, nidina avy any an-danitra ka rahona no nitafiany, avana no teo ambony lohany, tahaka ny masoandro ny tarehiny, ary sahala amin' ny andry afo ny tongony. Je vis ensuite un autre Ange puissant, descendre du ciel enveloppé d' une nuée, un arc-en-ciel au-dessus de la tête, le visage comme le soleil et les jambes comme des colonnes de feu.
Apo / Ap 10:2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, ary nitàna boky kely nivelatra teny an-tanany izy; ary nabahany ny tongony, ka ny ankavanany tamin' ny ranomasina, ary ny ankaviany tamin' ny tany; Nitana boky kely nivelatra teny an-tànany izy; ny tongony an-kavanana moa natsatony tamin' ny ranomasina, ary ny an-kavia kosa tamin' ny tany; Il tenait en sa main un petit livre ouvert. Il posa le pied droit sur la mer, le gauche sur la terre,
Apo / Ap 10:3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. ary niantso tamin' ny feo mahery izy, tahaka ny fieron' ny liona; ary nony niantso izy, dia nikotroka ny kotrokorana fito. niantso tamin' ny feo mahery toy ny fieron' ny liona izy, ka vao niantso izy dia nandefa ny feony ny kotrokorana fito. et il poussa une puissante clameur pareille au rugissement du lion. Après quoi, les sept tonnerres firent retentir leurs voix.
Apo / Ap 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. Ary rehefa nikotroka ny kotrokorana fito, dia efa hanoratra aho, kanjo nahare feo avy tany an-danitra aho nanao hoe: Asio tombo-kase izay efa notononin' ny kotrokorana fito, fa aza soratana. Nony nandre ny feon-kotrokorana fito aho, dia ndeha hanoratra, kanjo nandre feo avy any an-danitra nanao tamiko hoe: Asio tombo-kase ny voalazan' ny kotrokorana fito, fa aza soratana. Quand les sept tonnerres eurent parlé, j' allais écrire mais j' entendis du ciel une voix me dire : " Tiens secrètes les paroles des sept tonnerres et ne les écris pas. "
Apo / Ap 10:5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, Ary ny anjely, ilay efa hitako, dia nitsangana teo ambonin' ny ranomasina sy teo ambonin' ny tany, ka nanangana ny tànany ankavanana ho amin' ny lanitra Tamin' izay ilay anjely hitako nitsangana teo ambony ranomasina sy teo ambonin' ny tany dia nanandratra ny tànany an-kavanana tany an-danitra, Alors l' Ange que j' avais vu, debout sur la mer et la terre, leva la main droite au ciel
Apo / Ap 10:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: ary nianiana tamin' izay velona mandrakizay mandrakizay, dia Ilay nahary ny lanitra sy ny ao aminy ary ny tany sy ny ao aminy ary ny ranomasina sy ny ao aminy fa tsy hisy andro intsony; ka nianiana tamin' ilay velona mandrakizay mandrakizay, dia ilay nahary ny lanitra mbamin' izay ao aminy, sy ny tany mbamin' izay ao aminy ary ny ranomasina mbamin' izay ao aminy, fa tsy hisy andro intsony; et jura par Celui qui vit dans les siècles des siècles, qui créa le ciel et tout ce qu' il contient, la terre et tout ce qu' elle contient, la mer et tout ce qu' elle contient : " Plus de délai !
Apo / Ap 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. fa amin' ny andro hitsofan' ny anjely fahafito, rehefa hitsoka izy, dia ho tanteraka ny zava-miafina izay an' Andriamanitra, araka ny teny soa mahafaly nambarany tamin' ny mpaminany mpanompony fa amin' ny andro hampandrenesan' ny anjely fahafito ny feony, amin' ny fitsofana ny trompetra, dia ho tanteraka ny misterin' Andriamanitra, araka ny nampilazainy ny mpaminany mpanompony. Mais aux jours où l' on entendra le septième Ange, quand il sonnera de la trompette, alors sera consommé le mystère de Dieu, selon la bonne nouvelle qu' il en a donnée à ses serviteurs les prophètes. "
Apo / Ap 10:8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. Ary ny feo izay efa reko avy tany an-danitra dia niteny tamiko indray hoe: Mandehana, raiso ilay boky mivelatra eny an-tànan' ny anjely mitsangana eo ambonin' ny ranomasina sy eo ambonin' ny tany. Ary niteny tamiko indray ilay feo reko avy any an-danitra, nanao hoe: Mandehana alao ny boky kely mivelatra eny an-tànan' ilay anjely mitsangana eo ambonin' ny ranomasina sy ny tany. Puis la voix du ciel, que j' avais entendue, me parla de nouveau : " Va prendre le petit livre ouvert dans la main de l' Ange debout sur la mer et sur la terre. "
Apo / Ap 10:9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. Dia nankany amin' ny anjely aho ka nanao taminy hoe: Omeo ahy iny boky kely iny. Ary hoy izy tamiko: Raiso, ka hano avokoa io; dia hampangidy ny kibonao izy, nefa eo am-bavanao dia ho mamy tahaka ny tantely. Dia nankany amin' ilay anjely aho sy nilaza taminy hanome ahy ny boky, ka hoy ny navaliny ahy: Raiso ka atelemo izy; hangidy izy ao an-kibonao, nefa ho mamy toy ny tantely eo am-bavanao. Je m' en fus alors prier l' Ange de me donner le petit livre ; et lui me dit : " Tiens, mange-le ; il te remplira les entrailles d' amertume, mais en ta bouche il aura la douceur du miel. "
Apo / Ap 10:10 And I took the little book out of the angel' s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. Dia noraisiko ilay boky kely teny an-tanan' ny anjely ka nohaniko avokoa; ary raha nataoko teo am-bavako izy, dia mamy tahaka ny tantely, kanjo nony voateliko, dia nangidy ny kiboko. Noraisiko ny boky teny an-tànan' ilay anjely, dia nateliko avokoa, ka mamy toy ny tantely izy tao am-bavako, fa nony nateliko kosa, dia tsaroako nangidy tao an-kiboko. Je pris le petit livre de la main de l' Ange et l' avalai ; dans ma bouche, il avait la douceur du miel, mais quand je l' eus mangé, il remplit mes entrailles d' amertume.
Apo / Ap 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Ary nisy nilaza tamiko hoe: Tsy maintsy maminany indray ianao ny amin' ny olona maro sy ny firenena maro sy ny fiteny maro ary ny mpanjaka maro. Tamin' izay dia nisy nilaza tamiko hoe: Olona maro sy firenena maro sy fiteny samihafa ary mpanjaka maro koa no tsy maintsy mbola haminanianao. Alors on me dit : " Il te faut de nouveau prophétiser contre une foule de peuples, de nations, de langues et de rois. "
