Entry (1/3) | 1 botry |
Part of speech | 2 noun |
Explanations in Malagasy |
3 Lakana lehibe izay misy voizina na entin' ny lay na mandeha amin' ny herin' ny milina [1.1] |
Explanations in English |
4 a boat [Eng. boat] [Provincial]
[1.2] 5 a schooner used in coastal trade (west coast) [1.7] |
Explanations in French |
6 navire à voiles non ponté. [Tankarana]
[1.19] 7 goélette ou boutre arabe de la côte ouest [1.8] |
Vocabulary |
8 Navigation |
Entry (2/3) | 9 botry |
Part of speech | 10 adjective |
Explanations in Malagasy |
11 Fohy, zeny, tsy mitombo intsony: Hazo botry. / Zazavavy botry kely 12 Tsy manana, lany harena, rava, fananana: Izao vao tena botry Rakoto fa lany matin' ny ramoretaka ireo kisoa roa hany sisa nompiany [1.1] |
Explanations in English |
13 stunted, dwarfish [1.7] |
Explanations in French |
14 rabougri, chétif [1.8] 15 Rabougri, comme la végétation des sommets montagneux, sur sols squelettiques: Hazo botry (un arbre rabougri, souffreteux, chétif). [1.196] |
Derivatives |
Compound words |
Proverbs | 23 Proverbs containing the word botry |
Entry (3/3) | 24 botry |
Part of speech | 25 noun |
Explanations in French |
26 Nom d'une espèce de riz de montagne (vary botry). Elle a l'avantage d'être peu exigeante. [1.196] |
Vocabulary |
27 Botany |
Updated on 2023/10/24 |