Entry (1/2) | 1 Vakinankaratra |
Elementary words | 2 vaky, ankaratra |
Part of speech | 3 name (toponym) |
Explanations in French |
4 vaste région de l'Imerina du sud, au confins nord du Betsileo, d'Andrianampoinimerina et qui comprend le haut bassin de la Sisaony avec les villages d'Ambohimiadana, Tsiafahy, Behenjy, Alasora... [1.11] |
Vocabulary |
5 Geography: countries, people |
Analogs | 6 imerinaenintoko, Imerina enin-toko, avaradrano, Avaradrano, vakinisisaony, Vakinisisaony, marovatana, Marovatana, ambodirano, Ambodirano, vonizongo, Vonizongo |
Tables and plates |
7 Full list |
Entry (2/2) | 8 Vakinankaratra |
Part of speech | 9 name (toponym) |
Explanations in Malagasy |
10 faritra anatin' ny faritanin' i Antananarivo [3.1] |
Vocabulary |
11 Politique |
Hyperonym |
Co-hyponyms |
Tables and plates |
34 Full list 35 The twenty-two regions |
Illustrations |
Updated on 2024/10/30 |