Entry 1/7 an-dry (any, ry)
Part of speech morphological form of any and ry
1himpody aho, menatra an-dry raiko. [2.69]
2Ampy ahy izay nanampiako an-dry zareo izay. [2.4]
3Sao miandry an-dry Ndremba izay naniraka azy! [2.643]

Entry 2/7 andry
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Enti-milaza fitsorana, fivalamparana eo ambony tany, kidoro; fatoriana amin' ny alina, filamina tsisy tebiteby. [1.1]
Explanations in English [Mal. diyan, mandiyan.] [1.2]
Explanations in French La position horizontale, l'état de ce qui est étendu, couché
La paix, la tranquillité
L'état de ce qui est figé, gelé, caillé [1.3]

Entry 3/7 andry
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Tohana mijoro vita amin' ny biriky, hazo na vato: Nisy andry telo nifanandrify tao amin' ny tranon' ny Ntaolo. [1.1]
Explanations in English A pillar, a post [1.2, 1.7]
Explanations in French Pilier
(fig) soutien [1.3, 1.8]
 Colonne [1.3]
Compound words 

Entry 4/7 andry
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Antenaina ho avy ka mijanona eo ihany ny tena ambara-pahatongany: Sakafo tsy andrin' ny maika ny anareo izany, ry Ketaka, ka handeha aho [1.1]
Explanations in English Waiting, guarding [1.2]
Explanations in French Attendu, qu'on peut attendre [1.3]
Compound words 

Entry 5/7 andry
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fiambenana, fitandremana: Tsara andry ny ombintsika fa olona mahatoky izy
Fitiliana: Ataovy andry maso io zazalahy io fa efa tratra naka zavatr'olona [1.1]
Explanations in English Watch [1.2]
Explanations in French Garde, surveillance, veille [1.3]
Compound words 

Entry 6/7 andry
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Betsimisaraka] Sandry [1.78]

Entry 7/7 Andry
Part of speech name (anthroponym) [full list]

Updated on 2023/07/19